I've got a boo-boo that's put a crimp into my exercise.
You know how they say that most accidents occur in the home? Well, that's particularly true with a klutz like me. I mean, I've even broken my nose just getting out of bed in the morning...which is one really lousy way to start the day. The other night I ended my day just as well. While walking around the bed I snagged my little toe on a blanket, pulling it out of the socket and ripping off the nail as well. I let loose with the usual and expected colorful phrases that I had learned from my days in the Navy, then looked down to inspect the damage. My little toe was at a right angle to my foot and bleeding to beat the band.
No pain (thank gawd for shock) so I hopped over to the bathroom and stood in the tub to run some warm water over my foot. I contemplated on what to do. Go to an emergency room? Sure looks like an emergency. I mean, I can't leave my toe like that because I wouldn't be able to wear any shoes. Plus, the shock was wearing off and it was starting to hurt. So...keeping the warm water running I banged my foot against the side of the tub and knocked the little booger back into place.
I didn't do this because I am a tough macho man....I did it because I'm a chicken. I'm afraid of hospitals.
Anyway, my toe wiggles fine but hurts like hell. Cardio is all but impossible and lower body workouts are very, very difficult. I'm being slowed down by one little freakin toe.