Thursday, April 03, 2008


I'm excited! I caught a glance of myself in the mirror this morning while I was dressing. Now, usually I avoid doing this because I don't like what I see and it was totally accidental that I peered over and caught my shirtless image....and saw abs.

Not a six-pack by any means, but some prominent ridges and bulges along the sides and down the middle. Also, this was relaxed, no flexing or tightening at all. I just stood there slack-jawed for a few minutes.

I credit the kettlebell with doing this.


Terry ( said...

I was happy to see you make this comment about Kettlebells. I have had the same experience. It's kind of like watching the pot boil. Nothing happens and then, when your turn your head, the water boils. Self change is somewhat the same.

Good for you.


Don said...

Way to go!! Keep it up and it gets better! Don't do what I did. I stopped for about a month and put three inches back on. Back on the wagon now though, and it should start going away soon again... I will be looking into the Kettlebells, your the fifth person that has recommended them!
