Friday, March 28, 2008


I feel really old this morning. Mostly, it's the aftereffects of the tree chopping ordeal of a couple of days ago...but I'm also wondering if it might be from pushing too hard too fast. I have a tendency to ignore the limits of my body in trying to attain what my mind wants. It's probably a male ego thing. We are wired to do things, accomplish things, get 'r done. I have to remind myself constantly to be patient. No quick fixes. No fast solutions.

But I want it all.

And I want it now.


Terry ( said...

Jay, it was really interesting to read your entry today. I kind of feel the same way. I have been pushing so hard on my workouts for so long that I am questioning how hard I should really work.

I want to keep improving and increasing what I can do but I am starting to think that I need to back off just a bit. The reality is that I can probably get almost the same results while still cutting back. It's a difficult issue because I don't what it to appear that I can't or don't want to do more. It's just a matter of finding the right balance.

Also, this turning 55 that is looming in front of me within the next 30 days is starting to irritiate me a bit. Except for a few things my body still thinks it is 25.


Jay said...

That's my problem, Terry. I look up to you as my role model; thinking that if a crusty old man like you could do so much, then it should be a breeze for a fresh-faced young lad like me.

Still...I look at a great many of my peers over 50 and they not only look old (like me, unfortunately)they act old. I don't mind piling on the years as long as I can still play, even if I can't play as hard as when I was 25.