Tuesday, March 18, 2008


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Bodyfat sucks. It wasn't a problem when I was young. I was svelte and thin, downright scrawny actually. I ate like a horse. Sneered at diets and people who were on them. I didn't see the point in watching calories or fat. I tried at times to actually gain weight....but never put on an ounce.

Then one fine morning I took a look at myself in the mirror. WTF!!!!

I ain't a David anymore. I kinda look like my Dad. Jeeze...nobody told me that I'd wind up being fat if I kept eating like there was no tomorrow and avoided exercise with passion.

I guess I'm looking to see myself some morning in the mirror and find it all magically gone. Slow process. Real slow.


LJP said...

The sculpture made me laugh!! :-)

Terry (kettlebellguy.com) said...

Funny how fat sneeks up on you. It's like we never saw it coming.


Jay said...

ljp...I thought it was pretty funny, in an uncomfortable sort of way.

terry...no kidding!

edwin...Here's a money making tip, spamming blogs will not do it for you.

Don said...


How are you measuring your body fat so often? I want to start monitoring mine as well, but the ways I was taught to do it in the Army are not easy to come by in the civilian world...


Jay said...

Don, I use two methods. The main one is with an impedance scale. They are fairly accurate but don't go cheap, at least for a good one. I double check every once in awhile with some calipers, which you can pick up at GNC or sporting stores. I suppose the most accurate way is with the water immersion method but that's pretty impractical as well as expensive. I'm not sure if my scale is accurate right down to a tenth of a percent...but it gives me a good enough ballpark to see that my own bodyfat is way more than is healthy and I tend to pay more attention to that than actual weight.

Don said...

Hmmm. Hadn't thought of going to GNC to get the calipers.. And didn't think doing it on oneself was accurate? The impedance scales I've seen and liked were out of my price range, especially now! I'll have to go get the calipers though...:) Thanks!
