Thursday, June 21, 2007

Body for Life has Ruined Junk Food for Me

Not that I'm all upset, of course.

Yesterday there was a big meeting at work and, as usual with such get-togethers, there was lotsa cookies and donuts spread out for everybody. I thought I would cheat a bit and snagged a muffin. I knew it wasn't on my diet that morning but figured it wouldn't kill me to eat one little muffin.

It was like biting into a lump of Crisco. I literally couldn't swallow the thing. My whole mouth convulsed with revulsion.

This challenge is changing more than just things on the outside.


Jen said...

That is so cool!

Nancie Neal said...

I noticed that too. I didn't realized how accepting we were of crappy food until I quit eating it for a while.

On our trip from IL, we stopped at a Mcdonald's and I sampled my son's pancake. It tasted like sweetened spongy cotton. I won't even get into what they have called "maple flavored" syrup. I *know* what maple tastes like, and that wasn't it.

Funny, I had some REAL junk food recently from a local bakery and it was very good, except I couldn't finish it. My body knew I had enough.

Doris said...

I don't know what Crisco is but can imagine. It is like that - once you start to do things healthier you end up actually wanting to do it right and those bad things feel or taste real bad.

Good on you with your challenge.

I'm in my mid-forties and recently felt the need to start doing something and have to say that within a month of starting some gentle exercise am so much fitter already. LOL you have bit more of a job on your hands but you'll be feeling and looking real fab by the end of it!

Anonymous said...

did you wind up finishing the muffin?

Jay said...

Nope...couldn't stand it.