Thursday, November 29, 2007


I was recently reading an article in Men'sHealth magazine about the 20 worst foods in America. It was incredible to see what the amounts of calories and fat were in all of these restaurant dishes. No wonder I became so fat. No wonder there is an epidemic of obesity in this country.

The absolute worst of the list? Outback's Aussie Cheese Fries....

One hundred eighty two grams of fat! 240 grams of carbs. and get this..... 2900 calories!

gahhhh....makes my arteries harden just to look at it. Who comes up with slop like this to serve? What sane person in their right mind would even want to shovel this mess down their throats?

Well...I was one who would have eaten it at one time and considered it just an appetizer along with a soda.

In case you're interested this is NOT a recommended food for the Body for Life plan, even for a free day.

1 comment:

Remember ME Digitals said...

I love these things but I had no idea the were that bad. Wow! I'll certainly think twice before ordering them again.