Tuesday, May 27, 2008


THE big obstacle to achieving a healthy lifestyle. If it was easy to give up destructive behaviors, few people would continue to abuse themselves day after day until they keel over from the results.

We all have our particular monkeys to face with varying degrees of success. In my youth, it was drugs....lotsa drugs, couldn't get enough, and it damn near destroyed me. I left that scene because I didn't like what drugs were doing to me. I didn't like the type of person I was as a drug user. I made a conscious decision to change my lifestyle and never looked back.


Hardly....and not a quick change either, but a change it was and a change that nobody could do for me. I had to do it all myself. For myself.

I'm spending this year, once again, changing my life and, once again, I have an addiction that I must get rid of to reach that change.


Oh, I quit for awhile. Then started again, slowly at first, but gradually working up to almost the level I was before I stopped.

The dang thing is....I KNOW BETTER! I know what smoking does to the body. I know it is insane to keep putting poisons in my body every day and expecting good health to somehow magically fall into my lap. I know better. Alas, that is the nature of addiction.

I'm tired of being controlled by this addiction. I start a new challenge on June 2nd...one in which I am actually entering the contest. The real challenge for me starts today.

No more.


Diva said...

Good luck with quitting. I hear it is very difficult. YOU CAN DO IT. You've done it before. You just need to do it for good this time.

My dad is a smoking cessation counselor and says there are several natural things you can do to speed up the "really hard part" during the first few days of getting the nicotine out of your system. Let me know if you want a list!


The Diva

Diva said...

Good luck with quitting. I hear it is very difficult. YOU CAN DO IT. You've done it before. You just need to do it for good this time.

My dad is a smoking cessation counselor and says there are several natural things you can do to speed up the "really hard part" during the first few days of getting the nicotine out of your system. Let me know if you want a list!


The Diva

Diva said...

Good luck with quitting. I hear it is very difficult. YOU CAN DO IT. You've done it before. You just need to do it for good this time.

My dad is a smoking cessation counselor and says there are several natural things you can do to speed up the "really hard part" during the first few days of getting the nicotine out of your system. Let me know if you want a list!


The Diva

Jay said...

Thanks for the support, Diva. I have to use a patch when I quit because I just cannot afford to go through some of the cold-turkey symptoms at my job (I have to have my emotions under very tight control). I would like that list though.