Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Dealing with a minor life upset right now. Well...maybe not so minor, but certainly not a major life changer like a terminal illness, death, fire, earthquake, meteor impact, or whatever. My wife was laid off from her job and it's always crappy when you lose a job, especially when it wasn't due to anything you had done or didn't do. The really upsetting part was that the lay off was completely out of the blue. She had just gone into work one fine morning and was told her position was eliminated, told to leave immediately, and escorted out under guard without even the chance to say goodbye to all the people she had worked with for years.

A somewhat chickenshit way for a business to treat people. Then again, it just goes to prove the point that...no matter what kind of BS a business entity loads on employees about how they care for their welfare...in the end, any business will toss you like a turd if it suites the immediate needs of CEO's to get a bit of extra money in their pockets.

Yet, in the larger scheme of things, it's no biggie. My wife is a talented person and she will get another job. We don't have any huge debts that are looming over our heads. I also still have a job (at least today) that pays fairly decently. All in all, I live a charmed life. A friend of mine at work had a daughter who died. Another was in a car accident and messed up very badly. Still another has health issues that have pretty much ended her career. I'm sure any of them would trade the changes they are going through for my changes in a heartbeat.

There are two types of changes in life, those that we make ourselves and those that we can't do anything about. Fitness is one change I can make for myself. My life may hand me something tomorrow that makes my fitness goals unattainable. The future is full of wild cards.

But for today....all I can do is deal with what I got.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Jay.
Really sorry to hear that Vicki was layed-off. I'm always surprised at how lay-offs often occur right before holidays. Some of the auto companies are laying-off right before Christmas. But at least their employees have forewarning. The last time we had a lay-off at my work, the local media heard before we did! I had friends and relatives calling me to ask if I was being axed. "Huh?"
Hope for better things for you both,

Chasing The Moon said...

I love your upbeat and positive attitude. It's true, shit happens. It's just a matter of whether we just step in it or swim in it. I too have just started the diet journey. Yes, I took the pictures, but no, I didn't post them. They are on every friggin' Christmas card I sent out! I figured that was enough! Good luck with your weight loss goals!

Chasing The Moon said...
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