Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oh Har-de Har Har

It's really starting to piss me off. Some people that I work with making cracks about my gut. Kidding me that I must be enjoying married life and eating well. Poking me in the belly and asking me "when is it due?".

Jokes? Humor? Good natured ribbing?


Oh, I laugh. I smile. I go along with the joking. But...ya know what? It hurts and it's embarrassing.

You know what the real kicker is though? The same ones that are getting their cheap yucks at my expense are the same people who were unsupportive while I was trying desperately to do something about my weight. They were the ones who seemed to take delight in every chance to sabotage my efforts. It was like...trying to get healthy was a direct challenge to them and they spared no effort to help me fail.

The reason I bring this up is because it occurred to me; some people will support you in your goals, some people will want you to fail because it will make them seem successful. Spending any time with the later is a waste because the only way you will please them is to continue to fail.

Do what you do for yourself. Those that care about you will rejoice. Those that don't...screw em.

I ain't laughing along anymore.


Hanna Rosdi said...

It is true. Just go and do your own thing. Don't care what others think and said about you.

Terry ( said...

Jay, I take it from your blog that you may be gaining a pound here or there.

Just because we are over 50 does not mean we turn into fat old men or that we can't make big changes. You have a good 30, 40 or even more years in front of you. Make them count.

You don't need the support of these jerks to be successful. Let them say what they want but answer them with action. Make them eat their words.


Unknown said...

hey, don't take it too hard on what they say. But trust me, I know how that feels as i'm a huge lady myself. Having to juggle between jobs and time with family and at the same time watching my own diet is really tiring sometimes.

Don't give up! I'm sure you can make it one day :)


Jay said...

Hanna....The trick is to have more supportive people in your life than not. I'm actually pretty lucky that most people around me are supportive.

Terry...That's what keeps me plugging away. I REFUSE to accept that I must be fat just because I'm old. I think that most of us become fat old men because we give up. I'm too mule-headed to do that, for better or worse.

Jocelyn...the same applies to women. Don't give up. You can decide how to live.

Anonymous said...

I see you like cats...I do too... I run an animal rescue program from home.. I have 12 cats and 10 dogs.....2 cockatiels, 2 quakers, and 4 kids and 1