Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Week 3 Day 2

What I ate today:

6am Meal 1: 1 bowl oatmeal with blueberries

9am Meal 2: 1 cup cottage cheese, 1 yogurt

12pm Meal 3: 1 bowl homemade fruit salad, handful of nuts

3pm Meal 4: Protein shake

7pm Meal 5: serving of steak and peppers, 2 whole wheat tortillas, 1 cup sherbet

10pm Meal 6: 1/4 ounce cheddar cheese, 1/2 grapefruit

and 12 glasses of water (about a gallon)


Don said...

What time to you go to bed? Should you be eating after 7PM and again at 10PM? Especially if you go to bed within an hour or two after that?


Jay said...

I have a variable schedule because I'm often on call with my job. Kinda like what firemen have. For example...I just came off a 40 hour straight "work day". I sleep when I can for as long as I can.

Don said...

Makes since, was just checking. :)

What do you do? Not sure I remember reading that in your blog?


Jay said...

I'm a crisis case manager for a mental health agency.