Wednesday, January 23, 2008


You know how it is that you can never really escape your past? Well.. back in my youth I was in an incident that banged me around pretty good and, among other things, I cracked a rib along with some good thumping along my arm and shoulder. It took a while to heal but heal I did, and pretty much had forgotten about the whole painful ordeal.

Trouble was....I never really healed. I didn't build back up the muscles supporting all those abused bones. I had been content to let them slowly atrophy and replace them with some flab. Now here I am trying to get fit again by exercising and I was presented with a very poignant reminder of that long ago injury. BFL exercise for a week or two. Slow, low weight, high repetition lifts to rebuild that portion of my body.

Sucks, but I'm still sticking with the eating plan and planning on getting totally back on the challenge by February 11th. I'm not giving up... just taking a detour.

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