Monday, January 21, 2008

Day 8

Well now.....after my first week on the challenge, I'm down to 218 lbs. Three and a half pounds. Not bad. Actually, a bit surprising since I'm eating more than usual. Of course I'm eating better food and exercising every day; but still, a pleasant surprise. I am having difficulty eating according to plan and I think I've figured out why.

I'm not hungry when it comes time for a meal.

Think about that for a minute..."not hungry". For years I've been eating for the reasons most people eat, cuz I was hongray. When I did eat I didn't stop until I was no longer hungry. Pretty simple diet plan but one that didn't work out too well for me in the long run. The main problem is that my mouth can go about twice as fast as my brain; so when my brain says "you've had enough", I've already polished off my third helping.

The new paradigm (hot damn, finally got to use that word) in my lifestyle is that food is fuel. Now that doesn't mean I can't enjoy eating, just that I need to be more efficient in what I shovel down my throat every day. With six small balanced meals a day I keep my brain and stomach in sync. I don't get hungry. In a strange way I now enjoy my food even more.

But I still have to remember to eat on time or it will all collapse into an gobble orgy of whatever I can find.

s'cus me while I go make myself a Myoplex shake.

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